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Diabetes is a long-term metabolic illness marked by high blood glucose (blood sugar) levels. Serious damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves can result from diabetes over time.

By 2025, there is a goal set globally to stop the rise in diabetes and obesity.

Approximately 422 million individuals globally suffer from diabetes, with the majority residing in low- and middle-income nations.

The disease is directly responsible for 1.5 million fatalities annually. Over the past few decades, there has been a steady rise in both the number of cases and the incidence of diabetes.

Important Key Facts or details From WHO

  • In 1980, there were 108 million persons with diabetes; by 2014, there were 422 million. Compared to high-income countries, the prevalence has been rising more quickly in low- and middle-income nations.
  • Diabetes is a leading cause of lower limb amputation, heart attacks, strokes, blindness, and renal failure.
  • Age-specific diabetes death rates increased by 3% between 2000 and 2019.
  • An estimated 2 million fatalities were attributed to diabetes and renal disease in 2019.
  • A normal body weight, regular exercise, a balanced diet, and quitting smoking are all strategies to stop or postpone the onset of type 2 diabetes.
  • Diabetes can be managed with food, exercise, medicine, and routine screening to prevent or postpone its effects.

What is the simple definition of Diabetes?

When your blood glucose, commonly known as blood sugar, is too high, you develop diabetes. Your body uses glucose as its primary energy source.

What is diabetes cause by?

Type 2 diabetes is caused by a number of factors, including heredity, being overweight, and not getting enough exercise. Type 2 diabetes can be prevented from having its worst symptoms by receiving an early diagnosis. Visiting a healthcare practitioner for routine check-ups and blood testing is the greatest method to identify diabetes early.

What are 5 symptoms of diabetes?

  • Symptoms of Diabetes
  • You frequently urinate (pee) at night.
  • are quite thirsty.
  • Reduce your weight naturally.
  • Are ravenous.
  • Have hazy vision.
  • Have tingling or numb hands or feet.
  • Feel extremely worn out.
  • Possess extremely dry skin.

What is diabetes and how can it be cured?

Although there’s no cure for type 2 diabetes, studies show it’s possible for some people to reverse it. Through diet changes and weight loss, you may be able to reach and hold normal blood sugar levels without medication. This doesn’t mean you’re completely cured. Type 2 diabetes is an ongoing disease

How can I tell if I have diabetes?

However, increased thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, and weight loss are the most typical symptoms that many people with diabetes encounter.

Can diabetes be cured?

Is it possible to treat diabetes?
Although there is currently no cure for type 2 diabetes, our experts are developing a revolutionary weight-management research to assist people in putting their condition into remission. When blood glucose (or blood sugar) levels return to normal, the condition is said to be in remission. This does not imply that diabetes is completely cured.

What can I do to stop diabetes?

The good news is that you can do a lot to prevent or delay getting type 2 diabetes, including:

  1. Reaching and staying at a healthy weight.
  2. Staying active I Exercising at least 30-60 minutes twice a week.
  3. Eating healthy.
  4. Stop smoking.

What are the signs of an elevated blood sugar?
Immediately get in touch with your diabetes care team if you have elevated blood sugar and encounter any of the following symptoms:
experiencing or becoming ill.
stomach or abdomen ache.
breathing deeply and quickly.
symptoms of dehydration, including a racing heartbeat, dry skin, and headaches.
having trouble remaining awake.

Which diabetes medication is most effective?

You must use insulin to treat your diabetes if you have type 1. Insulin can be administered subcutaneously or via a pump. If you have Type 2 diabetes, you may be able to treat it at first by eating healthily and exercising more, but you may also need to use insulin or pills.

Which foods are best avoided by diabetics?

You should cut back on highly processed foods, dairy products, red meat, sweets, added sugars, and sodium (salt). Other recommendations include checking food labels to help you avoid added sugar and sodium and concentrating on seasonal fruit.


Gnld NeoLife Products Bundle For Diabetes

  1. NeoLife Tre-en-en, Food supplement 120 Capsules, Energy and vitality starts with your cells ability to stay efficient
  2. NeoLife Botanical Balance, Food supplement – 120 Tablets NeoLife’s exclusive formula combines ancient wisdom drawn from Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese herbal medicine, backed by leading-edge modern clinical science.
  3. NeoLife Wheat Germ Oil with Vitamin E, Vitamin E food supplement, 100 Tablets – Delivers four tocopherols and four tocotrienols, as well as all eight forms of vitamin E for broad spectrum protection.


  • Aids in lessening the disease’s related hazy eyesight.
  • Increases the likelihood that you won’t acquire ANY cardiovascular disease.
  • gradually aids in bringing your blood sugar levels back into balance.
  • The Neolife Shake encourages you to eat more fiber, which helps your body’s stored glucose be suppressed.
  • The Garlic Allium Complex aids in the restoration of Insulin function, which is necessary for the proper breakdown of sugar levels.
  • Enhances the efficient functioning of your body’s cells.
  • Removes toxins and free radicals that have inflamed the body’s organs and caused the previous cell damage.
  • Reduces cramping, numbness, sadness, and sores.
  • Stops all heart disease in its tracks.
  • Enhances overall health and gives you more energy.

To safely acquire supplements for managing diabetes, click on the GNLD Bundle Pack.

DISCLAIMER:* These GNLD Products for Treating Diabetes are not to replace your doctor’s prescriptions but to complements the efficiency of the drugs to aid up the treatment.

When you start adding GNLD’s nutritional supplements to your diet, your complete care and vitality—regardless of whether you have Type 1 Diabetes, which is insulin-dependent, Type 2 Diabetes, which is non-insulin-dependent, or Gestational Diabetes—are assured.