About NeoLife

NeoLife is a nutrition firm whose goal is to create and market high-quality whole food nutrition products that will improve people’s health and well-being worldwide. NeoLife has been in operation in more than 50 countries worldwide for the past 60 years, beginning in 1958.

About NeoLife Story

Mr, Jerry Brassfield was born in Porterville, California, on April 9, 1940. His parents were the kind of hardworking, normal farmers that one finds in villages that raise food in California. As a family from the lower middle class, they were accustomed to facing financial difficulties. Jerry remembers thinking to himself that he was not going to accept a future of poverty as he patched his trousers by hand since he could not buy a new pair.

During his walks through the surrounding neighborhoods, he used to witness people driving fancy vehicles, living in elegant homes, and dressing impeccably. He thought that all of this would be achievable for him in the future.
He started his first business at the age of ten selling watermelons door to door. He had a little entrepreneurial drive from birth. He had never experienced the “Protestant Work Ethic” before—hard labor equals profit.
When he spotted an advertisement in a magazine about selling doorplates with family names that illuminate in the dark thanks to solar power when he was 13 years old, he set himself a higher aim. He would knock on doors as he strolled around the affluent districts, stating, “I’m saving up.”

About NeoLife Supplements

Jerry had a strong sense of business, but as a young child, his severe allergies and asthma frequently prevented him from reaching his full potential. So bad, in fact, that he remembers hearing a solemn voice through the thin paper walls of his brother’s room when he was resting in bed at his family’s farm house.

“I apologize for calling you over here so late, but I just don’t think he is going to make it through the night,” his mother’s voice could be heard telling the pastor and the family.
Nothing beats a little positive reinforcement. This gave Jerry the will to fight for his life, and he spent the rest of the night struggling to breathe.

After that, Jerry’s mother set out on a mission to bring her ailing son some sort of solace. Jerry was not receiving much mainstream attention at the time, so she started giving him something after discovering that there was no modern medicine that could treat him at that time. She supplemented his regular meals with high-quality nutritional goods.

Because supplements were not as popular in the 1940s as they are now, Jerry had to take enormous, heaping quantities of nutritional dregs like cod liver oil. That’s when he realized the significant role high-quality vitamins may play in promoting health recovery. By providing his body with the nourishment it required, allergies and asthma ceased to be a continual struggle for survival and instead became a sporadic annoyance brought on by farm animals.

NeoLife Grow By Word of Mouth

Jerry was forever changed by this event, which may have even saved his life, and he never wavered in his belief in the effectiveness of nutritional supplements. Jerry had a strong desire to help others, so he started sharing his inspiring story with folks in his community. As a result, he saw that most people were in need of assistance with issues brought on by nutritional inadequacies.

Jerry worked in a few unfulfilling jobs as a teenager, selling tires and furniture, but no job he could find instilled the “Protestant Work Ethic,” which he had been taught to believe more effort equals more profit.

Who Started NeoLife Business Opportunity?

However, Jerry only learned about direct sales at the age of 19, when he worked for a company that sold supplements, which coincided with his two greatest interests: business and health. After he eventually discovered a business where perseverance pays off, he was worth $5 million (a lot more in today’s currency) in just four years.

Then, when the company failed as a result of poor management, he was devastated. He experienced this often, with the most difficult aspect being the harm it did to the bonds he built with his distributor team, or distributor family.

Jerry decided to take matters into his own hands and launched his own direct selling business based on principles that guarantee high-quality products, limitless earning potential, and security over the long run for distributors and future generations.
He also bought the NeoLife brand and combined it with his other businesses along the way, turning it into a global market leader.

Because of its roots in the word “new life,” which is open to anybody wishing to become a member of the NeoLife family, the NeoLife moniker has become the company name.
Jerry dared to dream large because he believes that each and every one of us has a special and amazing plan from God.

Now, Jerry wants to see individuals all around the world—people just like you—achieve their goals and think that if he, a country lad without a fancy education or background, could succeed, then so can you!

NeoLife Vision and Mission,

Our goal is to halt the global trend of poor wellness, which is essentially dismantling families.

We are a global nutrition firm dedicated to breaking the trend by using the best nutrition available as our primary tool.

You should be rather alarmed when you see the numbers.

According to estimates from the World Health Organization and the CDC, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer would account for three out of every four fatalities by 2020. The fact that these are lifestyle diseases is, in my opinion, the most tragic aspect of that figure. We can’t really catch them from someone, is it? We can’t claim that Bob from accounting caused our heart problems when we get home from work. Not at all! The unfortunate truth is that we often cause our own harm. Frequently, via the foods we consume and other harmful


Inspire every action, helping to fulfill our mission.

One, Absolute Integrity
Our key values are absolute integrity, which permeates all we do. As a part of the NeoLife family, we anticipate the same behavior from you.

Two, People Are Number One

Treat people how you would like to be treated is the Golden Rule, according to us. This entails treating everyone with decency, politeness, and recognition of their distinct and significant roles in society.

Three, Product That Works

outstanding and distinctive goods. Uncompromising quality. Not trendy or “me too” fads. Assured by and created with input from NeoLife’s Scientific Advisory Board.

Four, Equal Opportunity For All

With NeoLife, you can succeed regardless of your age, gender, experience, color, religion, or creed, and you’ll be accepted into our large international family.

Five, Long Range Vision

directs choices and activities for the benefit of current and future NeoLife family members.