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Gnld NeoLife Nutrients To Support Your Heart

NeoLife Nutritionals specially formulated with EPA and DHA to contribute to the normal function of the heart.

Why NeoLife Heart Health Supplements?

Your heart is approximately the size of your two hands clasped together. This organ is not particularly large but it is critical for keeping you alive every single minute of every day. Your heart is the main organ of your cardiovascular system, which encompasses the network of blood vessels that pump blood throughout the body.

The heart does move physical work than any other muscle in the body, the average heart pumps about 7,500 litrers of blood per day. In a 70-years lifetime, an average heart beats more than 2.5 billions times, Your heart health and cardiovascular health needs to be a priority because a healthy heart is central to overall good health.

NeoLife Garlic Allium Complex, Garlic-onion food supplement

include organic components such as veggies and allium. Each serving contains 4.2 mg of pure active allicin from garlic powder, along with concentrations from leeks, onions, and chives. With the help of a unique coating, active allicin is guaranteed to reach your intestines, maximizing absorption and removing aftertaste.

NeoLife Omega-3 Salmon Oil Plus, Fish Oil Food supplement

An ideal method for raising the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. With standardized quantities of all eight omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA and DHA, which are naturally occurring in human nutrition, each serving of our unique omega-3 formula, consisting of three capsules, offers 1,070 mg of total omega-3 fatty acids.

NeoLife CoQ10, Food supplement

Use naturally occurring NeoLife CoQ10 to revitalize your cells. NeoLife delivers natural CoQ10 in a highly bioavailable form, with 100 mg per serving, and combines it with a special partner nutritional profile using the most cutting-edge biogenic technology.

Certain dietary and lifestyle choices, along with prescription medication regimens, have been shown to abnormally reduce CoQ10.

There are valid reasons to take CoQ10 supplements.

Click on NeoLife CoQ10 to learn more.

What Is The Best Supplement For Heart Health?

4 Best Supplements for Heart Health, According to Experts

  • Fish Oil. Fatty fish like salmon, tuna and sardines are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. …
  • Fiber. …
  • Potassium. …
  • Magnesium.

Key Facts About Heart Health from WHO and CDC

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that heart disease is the top cause of death in the United States. Actually, heart disease claims the life of a person in the United States every 33 seconds. Fortunately, leading a healthy lifestyle can help avoid cardiovascular disease to a considerable extent.

The fundamentals of cardiovascular health include

avoiding stress,

quitting smoking,

exercising frequently, and

maintaining a heart-healthy diet.

However, it can occasionally be challenging to obtain all the nutrients your heart need only from food.

Supplements from the diet can help bridge the gaps, but which ones actually strengthen the heart? Discover which heart health supplements are genuinely cost-effective by reading on, as recommended by specialists in cardiovascular health.

Why NeoLife Heart Health Supplements?

“Maintaining optimal heart health requires proper nutrition,” says Dmitriy Nevelev, M.D., a cardiologist at Northwell Health in New York. He continues, “Ideally, everyone obtains the nutrients they require from their diet,” stressing that supplementation cannot make up for a diet that predominantly consists of nutrient-void foods such highly processed foods that are heavy in sugar and salt.

According to Heather Hodson, R.D.N., a clinical nutritionist at NYU Langone’s Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, a balanced diet that places an emphasis on fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes, whole grains, and lean proteins can help lower cholesterol, manage blood sugar, and support a healthy weight—all of which are beneficial to cardiovascular health.

Dr. Nevelev frequently suggests emphasizing three main areas: eating more fiber, consuming fewer carbohydrates, and boosting consumption of healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids, which are present in foods like fish, olive oil, walnuts, and chia seeds.

Although he suggests avoiding nutrient-poor carbohydrates like pastries, soda, and white bread in favor of nutrient-rich carbohydrates like whole grains, lentils, and sweet potatoes, he acknowledges that excessive carb restriction is not necessary.

His counsel is backed by scientific research, which demonstrates that a low-carb diet helps lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol.

Not only is fiber beneficial for gastrointestinal health, but it also has heart health advantages. “Type 2 diabetes is a medical condition that raises the risk of cardiovascular disease.

A high-fiber diet helps prevent it.” Additionally, it makes patients feel fuller, which reduces their calorie intake, says Dr. Nevelev, who also points out that obesity raises the risk of heart disease.

NeoLife Products are Based In Nature and Backed By Science

Experts Suggest the Top 3 Supplements for Heart Health

NeoLife Omega-3 Salmon Oil Plus ( Fatty Acids), Food Supplements

Salmon, tuna, and sardines are among the fatty fish that are great providers of omega-3 fatty acids. However, if you don’t consume fish frequently, experts advise taking a fish oil supplement on a regular basis.

“In general, since omega-3 fatty acids make up the majority of fish oil supplements, this is one way to think about [obtaining adequate] omega-3 fatty acids,”

A 3- to 4-ounce portion of salmon, or around the size of a deck of cards, should provide you with between 1.1 and 1.6 grams of omega-3 fatty acids per day, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Although it’s preferable to obtain this need through diet, evidence indicates that in some groups, taking a regular 1-gram fish oil supplement may lower the risk of mortality from cardiovascular disease.

According to one study, taking supplements containing fish oil may help lower the risk of cardiovascular events.

How To Protect Your Heart and Cardiovascular System.

Your heart pumps blood vigorously, minute by minute, all year long. It circulates blood across tens of thousands of kilometers of blood channels to supply nutrients and oxygen to every part of the body. The most prevalent types of CDCs are caused by atherosclerosis plagues, which limit or obstruct blood flow to various bodily parts, so depriving them of oxygen. Even though CDCs are the greatest cause of mortality worldwide, there are steps you may take to lower your risk. A balanced diet, regular exercise, moderation in alcohol consumption, and abstaining from tobacco use are all important components of a healthy lifestyle that can help safeguard your heart and circulatory system.