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Globally, breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer type among women. It is the second most common kind of cancer globally.

Women’s Cancer Signs: Unavoidable Symptoms

When it comes to taking care of their personal health, many women take great care. Nevertheless, it might be simple to overlook signs that point to cancer. Seeking medical attention from a professional is advised if a new health issue emerges. Early detection of cancer can save lives because many types of the disease are curable if detected early. Treatment for cancer can start as soon as a problem is diagnosed.

Some of the symptoms that women should address with their doctor are covered in the slides that follow. A woman may not necessarily have cancer just because she has certain symptoms, but it is crucial to rule it out with a medical examination.

1. – Inexplicable Loss of Weight

Loss of weight without apparent cause could be a sign of malignancy. Many women would be happy to lose weight without trying, but if she does so without following a diet or engaging in any activity, this needs to be looked at. The body’s energy reserves are frequently depleted by cancer cells, which might result in weight loss. To rule out cancer and assess whether the weight loss is due to something else, like an overactive thyroid, a doctor will perform testing.

2: Bloating or swollen

Bloating is a common symptom of the monthly period for many women. However, see your doctor if the bloating persists for several weeks and happens every day. Urinary urgency, stomach or pelvic pain, bloating and other digestive problems, feeling full quickly even after eating little, and so on are all indicators of ovarian cancer. To help with diagnosis, your doctor may prescribe a CT scan and run blood tests.

3: Breast Modifications/Changes

Though there are other breast changes to watch out for, women may choose to perform routine breast self-examinations and check for lumps. Skin thickening and redness on the breast are signs of inflammatory breast cancer. Many women experience cyclical lumps in their bodies. A new lump that steadily enlarges instead of going away after about a month should be examined by a doctor. Other changes to your breasts could be: a rash that lasts for weeks; adjustments to the way your nipples discharge when you’re not nursing
Inform your physician of any changes you observe in your breasts. After examining your breasts, your doctor can prescribe an MRI, mammography, ultrasound, or biopsy.

4: Unusual Bleeding or Between-Period Bleeding

Bleeding in between periods is a cause for concern and should be checked if you generally have regular periods. Bleeding following menopause also occurs. While infrequent spotting is typically harmless, it can be an early sign of endometrial cancer.

Additionally, women frequently overlook gastrointestinal (GI) tract bleeding, which is sometimes confused with monthly flow. An indication of colorectal cancer could be GI bleeding.

Inform your physician about any of these bleeding patterns. In order to check for colorectal or endometrial malignancies, your doctor could prescribe an ultrasound or a biopsy.

5. Skin Alterations/Changes

In the United States, skin cancer is the most prevalent type of cancer. Skin cancer is frequently indicated by moles that are changing, asymmetrical, or unusual in color or shape. However, other changes to the skin, such as bleeding, severe scaling, or changes in skin color, might also be indicators. Consult a physician as soon as possible after noticing changes in a mole because melanoma, a kind of skin cancer, can be severe.

6: Trouble Swallowing

Swallowing difficulties could be a sign of gastrointestinal (GI) cancer, including esophageal cancer. Inform your physician of your symptoms. In addition to doing a physical examination, your doctor may prescribe tests like an endoscope or chest X-ray.

7: Incorrect Place for Blood

If you find blood in any “wrong” place, get medical attention. Blood in the stool could indicate colon cancer or be a harmless condition like a hemorrhoid. Your doctor might prescribe a colonoscopy in this situation. Urine may contain blood that looks like menstruation blood, but it might also represent kidney or bladder cancer. Talking to your doctor about coughing up blood is also advised.

8: Gnawing Depression and Abdominal Pain

Depression may indicate pancreatic cancer when it coexists with stomach pain. Although the exact relationship is unknown, if you have these symptoms, let your doctor know so they can rule out cancer and, if necessary, get you treated for depression.

9: Heartburn

Indigestion that cannot be linked to a specific cause, such a high-fat meal or pregnancy, should raise some red flags. Persistent and unexplained dyspepsia could be a precursor of esophageal, stomach, or throat cancer.

10: Modifications to the Mouth

White patches on the tongue or within the mouth could indicate leukoplakia, a precancerous condition that can develop into oral cancer. Among smokers, this problem is more prevalent. If you see these patches, let your dentist or physician know.

11. Pain

Cancer may be the cause of unexplained pain. While this isn’t always the case, persistent pain without a clear cause should see a physician.

12- Modifications to Lymph Nodes

Possible cancerous growths could be indicated by enlarged lymph nodes or lumps in the lymph nodes in your neck or under your armpit. See a doctor if the lump has been there for more than a month and is becoming bigger. It might be an infection, but it might also be an indication of another condition, like cancer.

13. Fever.

Unexplained fever, such as that caused by the flu or cold, may indicate malignancy. Fever is a precursor to several blood malignancies, including lymphomas and leukemias. When a cancer has “metastasized,” or moved from its original location to another section of the body, a fever may also follow.

Inform your physician in addition if you see jaundice, or yellowing of the skin or eyes, or if the color of your stool changes.

Your doctor might prescribe an MRI, CT scan, chest X-ray, or other tests if you have an inexplicable fever.

14: Exhaustion

In addition to being a symptom of numerous diseases and medical disorders, fatigue can also indicate some cancers, including leukemia and certain stomach and colon tumors. Inform your physician if you feel fatigued for no apparent reason.

15: Prolonged Cough

See your doctor, especially if you smoke, if you do not have the flu, allergies, or a cold and you have a persistent cough that lasts longer than three to four weeks. In addition to examining your throat and evaluating lung function, your doctor may request X-rays.

W.H.O Key Cancer Facts

Globally, cancer is the second most common cause of death. Each year, 10 million individuals pass away from cancer. Because cancer is associated with modifiable risk factors like smoking, alcohol use, poor diet, and physical inactivity, almost 40% of cancer-related deaths may be avoidable.

Important details
roughly 10 million deaths, or roughly one in six deaths, globally will be attributable to cancer in 2020.
The most prevalent malignancies are those of the breast, lungs, colon, rectum, and prostate.

Approximately one-third of cancer-related deaths are attributable to tobacco use, a high body mass index, alcohol usage, a low intake of fruits and vegetables, and inactivity.
In low- and lower-middle-income nations, infections that cause cancer, like hepatitis and the human papillomavirus (HPV), account for about 30% of cancer cases.
If identified early and given appropriate treatment, many cancers are curable.

Precancerous lesions typically grow to malignant tumors, but cancer begins with the transition of normal cells into tumor cells. This multi-stage process is what causes cancer. These alterations are the consequence of the interplay between three types of external agents and an individual’s genetic makeup, which includes:

Physical carcinogens include things like UV and ionizing radiation; chemical carcinogens include things like alcohol, tobacco smoke, aflatoxin, which is a food contaminant; and biological carcinogens include things like parasite, bacterial, or viral infections.

Risk Factors For Cancer

Air pollution, bad food, alcohol use, smoking, and physical inactivity are risk factors for noncommunicable diseases including cancer.

There are certain chronic infections that increase the risk of cancer; this is especially problematic in low- and middle-income nations. Carcinogenic diseases, such as Helicobacter pylori, human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and Epstein-Barr virus (2), were linked to almost 13% of malignancies reported worldwide in 2018.

The risk of liver and cervical cancer is elevated by the hepatitis B and C viruses and certain forms of HPV, respectively. HIV infection significantly raises the risk of some other malignancies, such as Kaposi sarcoma, and increases the chance of cervical cancer by a factor of six.

Prevention The risk of cancer can be decreased by:

not smoking tobacco; keeping a healthy weight;

eating a balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables;

engaging in regular physical activity;

abstaining from or minimizing alcohol usage;
receiving a vaccination against hepatitis B and HPV if you are in a group for which immunization is advised;

utilizing sun protection techniques and/or limiting exposure to UV radiation (which is mostly caused by the sun and artificial tanning technologies);
making certain that radiation is used in healthcare in a safe and suitable manner (for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes);
decreasing exposure to indoor and outdoor air pollution, including radon (a radioactive gas created by the natural decay of uranium that can build up in buildings), as well as minimizing occupational exposure to ionizing radiation

FQA About Cancer

What are 5 interesting facts about cancer?

5 facts about cancer you might not be aware of

The Latin root of the term “cancer” means “crab,” precisely like the sign of the zodiac.
The ancient Egyptians were the first to explain cancer….

Indoor tanning causes more cases of skin cancer than smoking causes lung cancer.
It is possible to avoid over 50% of all cancer cases.

More than half of all cancers are preventable

More than half of cancer diagnoses and up to half of cancer-related deaths, according to researchers, can be avoided. This indicates that there are between 2.4 and 3.7 million preventable deaths annually, with low- and middle-income nations accounting for 80% of these deaths.

More than 200 cancer subtypes and kinds exist.

There are multiple diseases that cause cancer. Over the past ten years, it has come to our attention that there are over 200 distinct forms and subtypes of cancer. This has led to a move toward “tailored therapy” and away from a one-size-fits-all strategy.

Cancer does not affect nude mole rats.

These African subterranean mammals have a lot of hyaluronan in their bodies, which lubricates the body and inhibits the growth of malignancies. Future cancer treatments may result from this research.

Globally, there are 28 million cancer survivors.

Fortunately, given the advancements in recent years, cancer is no longer always fatal. Despite an increase in cancer incidence, more people than ever before are surviving the disease in many different countries.

What is cancer according to WHO?

Cancer is a broad category of disorders that can originate in nearly any organ or tissue in the body when aberrant cells proliferate out of control, cross normal boundaries to infect other body parts, or spread to other organs.

What kills cancer cells in the body naturally?

Top 5 Foods That Efficaciously Fight Cancer
vegetables that are cruciferous. Green Leafy Vegetables: Beet, radish, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and mustard greens are a few of the vegetables that are members of the Brassicaceae family.


tomatoes, and


Can cancer be cured completely?

Several malignancies can now be cured by medical professionals. However, following therapy, some tumors can recur years later. Therefore, it’s possible that your physician is hesitant to use the phrase “cure.” This is true even when there are no longer any indications of cancer in you.

What makes cancer a cancer?

Why Is Cancer Known by That Name? Following the Word’s Origins
two days beforehand

Malignant tumors were referred to by physicians as “karkinos,” which is the ancient Greek term for crab, in the late fifth and early fourth centuries BC. Later, medical professionals who spoke Latin to describe the same illness used the Latin term for crab, cancer. Consequently, the name remained.

Which cancer has no known cure?

The ten deadliest tumors and the reasons they can’t be cured
pancreas cancer.

Both intrahepatic bile duct carcinoma and liver cancer.
gastric cancer.
bronchus cancer and lung cancer.
leukemia myeloide acute.
cancers of the nervous system, including brain cancer.
stomach cancer.
ovarian cancer.