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NeoLife Nutritionals for the maintenance of normal bones.

NeoLife Product For Bones

NeoLife Kal-Mag Plus D, Mineral food supplement

Throughout life, calcium and magnesium are vital elements that are necessary for healthy bones, teeth, and muscles. Since calcium absorption declines with age, it’s critical to make sure you’re getting enough of it. An special blend of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D3 to aid in better absorption is called NeoLife Kal-Mag Plus D.


Three Kal-Mag plus D pills offer 100% of the Nutrient Reference Value (NRV) in terms of vitamin D3, together with 450 mg of calcium and 225 mg of magnesium, making for an ideal 2:1 dosage.

The preservation of healthy bones and teeth requires calcium.Magnesium and calcium support healthy muscular function.

Normal teeth and bones are maintained in part by magnesium and vitamin D.

The proper absorption and use of calcium and phosphorus are facilitated by vitamin D.

Food supplements shouldn’t be utilized in place of a well-balanced diet and active lifestyle.

Don’t take more than the specified daily dosage.

• Keep out of children’s reach.

NeoLife Chelated Zinc, Zinc food supplement For Bones

About 300 of the body’s enzymes require zinc, which is also necessary for many other vital processes. It helps keep the immune system in check and shields cells from oxidative damage. It is an essential vitamin for healthy skin, hair, nails, eyesight, and regular fertility and reproduction. With the amino acids methionine and glycine chelated with zinc for maximum bioavailability and enhanced absorption, NeoLife’s Chelated Zinc offers high potency and purity zinc.


The proper production of proteins and DNA depends on zinc. – Zinc helps keep cells safe from oxidative stress and supports the immune system’s regular operation. – Zinc aids in the metabolism of macronutrients, such as fatty acids and carbohydrates. – Zinc contributes to optimal fertility and reproduction by helping to maintain appropriate blood levels of testosterone. – Zinc helps to maintain good vision and supports the metabolism of vitamin A. – Zinc aids in the preservation of typical cognitive function. – Zinc helps to maintain healthy skin, hair, nails, and bones.Since meat and seafood are the greatest food sources of zinc, vegetarian or low-meat diets frequently offer zinc in amounts that are lower than the daily recommended requirement and typically comprise

NeoLIfe Magnesium Complex food supplement

Magnesium plays an important role in normal body functions and is a major mineral essential for over 700 biochemical reactions in the body. NeoLife Magnesium Complex provides 300 mg of magnesium per two tablet serving.
Magnesium contributes to normal muscle and nervous system function and to normal protein synthesis. It contributes to normal energy yielding metabolism and to a reduction of tiredness and fatigue. Magnesium is also essential for its contribution to the maintenance of normal bones, along with calcium and vitamin D.


NeoLife Tri-Mag Blend provides 300 mg of magnesium per two tablet serving from three main sources:
Double amino acid chelated magnesium bound to glycine, Tri-magnesium citrate and Magnesium oxide.

NeoLife PhytoMag Blend is a proprietary blend of whole food Beet, Kale, Broccoli and Radish, foods that provide phytonutrient benefits and are natural sources of magnesium.

100% Vegan
Made entirely without animal sourced ingredients of any kind, Magnesium Complex fulfills the strict sourcing criteria expected by vegetarian / vegan supplement users.

Using a technology to promote fast dissolution and maximum absorption.

NeoLife Vegan D, Vitamin D food supplement

Strong bones, teeth, and muscles are developed and maintained with the aid of vitamin D, an essential nutrient. It also supports the immune system’s typical operation. When ultraviolet B (UVB) photons from sunshine strike skin, the body produces vitamin D. Vitamin D can also be directly obtained from food, though getting enough of it from food alone is usually challenging. Vitamin D deficits may arise during winter months due to today’s habit of staying indoors. Filling this void and providing your body with the necessary amount of vitamin D can be accomplished using vitamin D supplements.


NeoLife Vegan D is a proprietary blend of naturally sourced and wholefood-based ingredients high in vitamin D to ensure high potency and bioavailability.

– It combines vitamin D₃ and vitamin D₂ (cholecalciferol/ergocalciferol).

– It contains:
1. Vitamin D₃ from lichen (Cladonia rangiferina), known as Reindeer Lichen,
2. Vitamin D₂ from yeast and superior quality mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus).

– Vegan

Vitamin D contributes to the normal function of the immune system.
Vitamin D contributes to normal absorption/utilization of calcium and phosphorus.
Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of normal bones and to normal muscle function.