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NeoLife Targeted Solutions

NeoLife Nutritionals target specific wellness needs, building on our
foundation of core nutrition. With a variety of whole-food sourced
nutrients to choose from, you can easily customise your daily
nutrition with NeoLife.

Let Say For instance looking W,H,O recommendation on our eating lifestyle around the world.

W.H.O recommends that we eat more fruits and vegetables and we are to observe

R stands for Rest, We are expected to rest for 8 hours per day, at ratio 2 : 6, this represents 10% of our daily habits. Do You rest enough daily, when was the last time you had adequate sleep or rest.

Use Tre-en-en would help you manage or regulate your tiredness and fatigue. Read More about tre-en-en here

E – Stands for Exercise Everyone around the world is expected to exercise 30 Minutes per day, anyone who is obese but create time to exercise at least 30 Minutes per day would live longer than a person who has normal size or weight but does not engaged in daily exercises. This 10% of our daily habits and lastly.

D – stands for DIET. By Diet we mean intake of balance diet, which represent 80% of our daily habits.

Let me ask you this question and please do not pick offence, If you where to write an examination and you were pre informed that, there is going to be 3 questions in the exams and the first two questions are 10 Marks each, and the third is 80Marks.

which of the three questions would you focus on to pass the examination?

I guess your answer would number 3, meaning 80Marks. if that is your answer, you guess correctly.

Now Look at these diagrams


Figure 1 Shows us how we are expected to eat correctly daily.

Our daily diet should be in this proportion daily

Fat and Sugar 5%

Protein 15%

Fruits & Vegetables 30%

Whole Grains which comprises of Wheat Germ, Soya Been and Rice Brawn (Ofada Rice in Nigeria)50%

and Finally, we are expected to engaged in regular exercise daily PHE – Physical Exercises

Anyone who eat these way would be free from Non Communicable diseases, and he or she would be Vibrant and healthy. He/She would have healthy Cells, and healthy cells results in healthy body.

Now lets look at figure 2 Below


Now looking at the above diagram, you would notice that it is upside down in other words it is inverted.

Typically Around the world, majority of the people eat these way

Fat and Sugar 50%

Protein 30%

Fruits & Vegetables 15%

Whole Grains which comprises of Wheat Germ, Soya Been and Rice Brawn (Ofada Rice in Nigeria) 5% or less

and Finally, we hardly engaged in regular exercise daily PHE – Physical Exercises No Physical Exercise

Anyone who eat these way would come down with Non Communicable diseases, such as


High Blood Pressure,


Cancers of various types,

Chronic Respiratory diseases

eg Asthma, Tightness of the chest and he or she would be sick and not healthy. He/She would have Un healthy Cells, and Un healthy cells results in Un healthy body.

Having read this far, let me ask you this simple but logical question

How you and family eat daily, FIGURE 1 way or FIGURE 2 ?

Now If you are sincere to yourself and you selected Figure 2, You don’t have to panic, we have a solution for you.

NeoLife Nutritionals target specific wellness needs, building on our
foundation of core nutrition. With a variety of whole-food sourced
nutrients to choose from, you can easily customise your daily
nutrition with NeoLife.

NeoLIfe Pro-Vitality Plus, Food Supplement is the Solution to correct this deficiency in our daily diet. The Truth is anyone who is not eating balance diet daily and he or she is not seeking for way out may likey drop dead untimely.

NeoLife products are base in nature back by science.

DESCRIPTIONKey Nenefits of NeoLife Pro-Vitality plus, Food Supplements:

Each packet provides:
Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates:
Contains lipid and sterol supplements.

Carotenoid Complex:
Provides the powerful carotenoid nutrients from carrots, tomatoes, spinach, red bell peppers, peaches, strawberries and apricots to support your cells.

Omega-3 Salmon Oil Plus:
Ultra-high potency fish oil, complete with standardised amounts of all eight omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA and DHA.

Essential Vitamin and Mineral Complex:
Provides 18 essential key vitamin and minerals to help bridge the possible dietary gap prevalent in many of today´s diets.

Vitamin C and E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.

EPA and DHA contribute to the normal function of the heart.

The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 250 mg of EPA and DHA.

Vitamin A,C and D contribute to the normal function of the immune system.

Iron contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue.

Zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal skin, hair and nails.

To view ingredients and nutrition information, click the label.
• Food supplements must not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
• Do not exceed the stated recommended daily dose.
• Keep out of reach of children.